Academic Podcasting on LakerCast
Academic podcasting allows LSSU faculty to capture their lecture/course content in audio/video, and make it accessible to their students (or beyond!) on our LakerCast platform and/or in Moodle. Â Making course content available in this manner enhances the student experience, allowing students to access the content later, whether they missed lecture due to illness or if they just want to review the material covered in class on their own time.
If you are an LSSU faculty member and would like to explore academic podcasting for your class, please review the LSSU Academic Podcasting Guidelines below so you are aware of what the program entails, and then contact the LSSU Librarians to get started!
Academic Podcasting Guidelines
Academic Podcasting Guidelines
- To participate, all faculty members must participate in an Academic Podcasting orientation in which expectations for both sides are discussed, walks the faculty through the copyright and intellectual property implications and covers pedagogical issues.
- Faculty must sign off on the agreement prior to be able to add content. This agreement covers all classes potentially taught by that teacher.
- The program is voluntary.
- The teacher chooses what method of distribution for the content. This currently includes the options of restricted vs. unrestricted and stream only or stream and download.
- The choice of content is entirely the responsibility of the teacher.
- The instructor provides the material to the LSSU Library staff through whatever means are appropriate. The staff do NOT censor the materials.
- Staff will edit materials only after a request by the instructor.
- Primary editing of materials is the responsibility of the instructor. Staff will encourage faculty development to empower them to use technologies to edit their own content.
- Staff upon receipt of content will process it and make it available in a format appropriate for LakerCast and external audience use.
- Once content is delivered to LSSU Library staff, it will be made available through the portal within 24 business day hours.
- Instructors agree to upload content on a regular basis, as academic podcasting is not meant to serve as an e-reserve portal.
- At the end of the semester material in ‘courses’ is removed from public access and is archived.
- This archive is delivered to the instructor.
- The institution also keeps a copy.
- Academic podcasting material must not be in violation of another’s copyright.
- Content created by LSSU instructors is the joint intellectual property of the instructor and the institution.
- Content will not be re-used unless BOTH parties agree.
- The University, by making the program available is implicitly agreeing to allow its intellectual property to be made available.
- Material in which the instructor or institution does not own the copyright may not be made available in open LakerCast podcasts. In a closed podcast (posted within Moodle), copyrighted material may be used, but must follow the DMCA guidelines.
- Courses in which students are either recorded or asked to include their intellectual property through academic podcasting must obtain a signed release form. See appendix A (coming soon).
- Prior to archiving, content will only be removed upon request of the instructor.
- LakerCast allows for ‘Events’ which are different than ‘Courses’ as they are not removed after the semester and an Academic Podcasting Release Form must be obtained from every presenter.
- For events with external speakers, the release form grants the institution the right to re-use and distribute the intellectual property of the presenter, but does not transfer ownership.
- It is the responsibility of each campus to maintain a file with all signed release forms.
- Faculty may request that the institution purge its archive of their co-owned material.