Ontario Hall Residential Handbook
Please note that, above all, the rules and regulations in the official LSSU residential handbook must be observed. The following rules and regulations are specific to Ontario Hall, as honors students should be held to a higher standard of conduct.
Residency Guidelines
The rules and regulations in this handbook render certain penalties on a rule by rule basis. Procedure for penalties will be listed with the rules themselves. The Honors Council will have final judgment on all decisions. In cases where other ruling bodies are involved, the Honors Council will work with them to render a decision.
Living in the Honors House (Ontario Hall) is a privilege, and with privileges come responsibilities. Students who disregard those responsibilities by breaking the rules set forth in this handbook forfeit the privilege of living in the Honors House.
Assignment Policy
Any honors student may live in the Honors house, pending approval of the Honors Director and/or the Honors Council. Room preferences will be given to older residents; freshman living in the house will be assigned a room by random, unless prior arrangements have been made. Living in the Honors House is a privilege, and requires that students keep their cumulative GPAs above 3.3., and students’ active participation in the Honors Program (such as taking Honors classes and being involved with other facets of the Honors Program).
Cheating and Plagiarism
It is understood that students will do their own schoolwork. Any student found cheating will be reviewed for removal from the House. Removal from the House and from the Program is non-negotiable if found guilty by the Standards Committee and Honors Council.
Being found guilty of cheating or plagiarizing is also grounds for expulsion from the Honors Program.
Damage Control Policy
Any damage done to the House in a willful and malicious manner, will be the responsibility of the individual who caused the damage. Willfully damaging the House is grounds for removal from the House. Removal from the House is non-negotiable if the student in question is found guilty by the Honors Council. Please note that damage done while inebriated, intoxicated or in an otherwise chemically-altered state is still damage, and the individual will be held accountable.
If the damage is not repaired by the individual, then housing will assess a fine to the individual.
Drugs or Illegal Substances
Living in the Honors House makes us the most visible Honors students on campus, and therefore we must set an example of appropriate behavior. Engaging in the usage of illegal substances is NOT acceptable behavior, and as such, the possession, use, sale, distribution, or manufacture of any illegal substance is prohibited in the Honors House. Violating this rule is grounds for removal from both the House and the Program. Removal is non-negotiable if found guilty by the Adjudications Committee and Honors Council.
Security Procedures
As Honors students, we are held to a higher standard of conduct because of the belief that those in the Program and living in the House are mature, responsible adults capable of living in an environment less restrictive than that found in other campus housing options. Therefore, the measures taken when security is called on person(s) living in the House are stricter than that of the University policy. The first time security is called, the student or students involved will go before the Honors Council for review of the situation and possible suitable punishment. If the student(s) have security called on them a second time, they will once again go before the Honors Council for additional review and additional sanctions leveled against the offending student. If Security is called a third time, the student(s) will go before the board for a review with a strong recommendation for expulsion from the House.
Garbage Disposal
In order to keep a clean environment, garbage is not allowed to accumulate in the hallways or rooms of the House. Garbage bags are available in the Housing Office. It is the responsibility of the residents to remove any trash. A dumpster is located across the parking lot, behind the house.
Individuals are responsible for the general orderliness and cleanliness of their rooms. Individuals are expected to follow the housekeeping guidelines as stated in the LSSU residential handbook. Individuals who allow their room(s) to become over-cluttered and/or unclean will be issued a warning and will be ordered to clean their room(s) within a reasonably short period of time. At the beginning of each semester, a cleaning schedule must be written and agreed upon for the cleaning of general areas. These areas include, but are not limited to, the kitchen, bathrooms, living room, hallways/stairwells, etc. Blatant and/or habitual disregard of these procedures will warrant a review before the Honors Council.
Room Cleaning
Individuals will be required to keep their rooms clean. An unclean room may result in an environment which is not suitable for others living in the House. The vacuum in the House must be shared by the two sides. The Housing Office will inspect all rooms periodically. Those who are documented for habitual disregard of cleanliness will receive a warning, and if it continues to be a habitual/and or blatant problem, the individual(s) responsible will be called for review by the Honors Council.
Visitation Policy
Ontario Hall observes a twenty-four hour visitation policy. This means that a resident may receive a guest at any time during the day. Residents are responsible for their guests, and will be charged for any damages done by the guest. Please note that all rules and regulations are applicable to the guests, and as they cannot be held responsible by the University, the resident will be, and will face appropriate action in their stead.
Overnight Guests
Roommates must agree to having any overnight guest(s) in the room. Guests are the responsibility of the individual(s) whom they are visiting. It is the decision of the roommate(s) to allow an individual to stay overnight if he/she is to sleep in the residents’ room. It is the decision of the housemates to allow a guest to stay overnight if he/she is to sleep in a common area. Individuals who permit an unwanted guest to stay overnight will be warned. Cohabitation is not advocated by either the University or the Honors Program. Individual(s) in habitual or blatant disregard of these rules will face review before the Honors Council and may be removed from the House if problems persist.
“Roommate Bill of Rights”
LSSU and the Honors Program strive to preserve an environment that is conducive to academic pursuit and social development. It is essential that the needs of others be respected by all members of the University community. Behavior that violates these values is considered disruptive and is subject to disciplinary action.
Policies are applicable to all students, whether enrolled for credit or non-credit, while on the premises and at University-sponsored or University-related events off-campus.
Definition/Examples of Disruptive Behavior: Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Theft of property, intentional destruction, damage or unauthorized possession / use of University property or of the property of any member of the college community.
- Abuse, disrespect, noise or other actions that disrupt the educational enterprise and campus environment.
- Unauthorized entry into or unauthorized use or misuse of any room, building, structure or facility.
- Threatening or inflicting physical or psychological violence to the person or property of any member of the campus community, their family, or campus visitors.
- Distribution, sale, use, or possession of alcoholic beverages other than as specified in the policy for use of alcohol.
- Unauthorized possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals, or weapons on campus property or at a University function.
- Harassment, stalking, hazing, or initiation / induction rites.
- Possession or distribution or sale of any drugs or controlled substances having potential for abuse, except as authorized by law.
- Failure to comply with the directions of University officials or designated agents in the performance of their duties.
- Abuse of or tampering with fire alarm systems, fire emergency equipment, or any emergency equipment.
- Failure to comply with LSSU policies as stated in the Campus Planner & Handbook and other official bulletins.
Individuals who infringe on these privileges of others will be warned on the situation, and if the individual(s) continues to disregard this policy, they will be subject for review before the Honors Council.
Sexual Misconduct
The Honors Program will exercise a zero-tolerance policy against sexual assaults. Sexual assaults traumatize the victim(s) and blemish the reputation of the Honors Program, as well as the University as a whole. Any individual living in the House who commits a sexual assault will be removed from both the House and the Program, with no negotiations. An Honors student who does not live in the House, but commits a sexual assault will be automatically removed from the Program.
Definition of Sexual Assault: Sexual assault is defined as any sexual contact without consent. It includes, but is not limited to, (1) any unwanted touching or forced touching of a person’s genitals, breasts, thighs or buttocks; (2) sexual intercourse or attempted sexual intercourse; (3) sodomy (oral or anal intercourse); (4) sexual penetration with an object. Consent for any of the above acts must be specific and must be freely given. An act will be considered without consent if force, threats, or intimidation are used or if the victim is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Smoke Free Environment
The Honors House, like all buildings on campus, is smoke and tobacco free. University rules state that an individual must be 20 feet from a building to smoke. If an individual is found smoking in the House, a warning will be issued, and if this is a habitual problem, the individual will go before the Housing Council for review.
Student Code of Conduct
The Honors Code of Conduct as well as the LSSU student Code of Conduct will be exercised in the House. Any behavior which breaks the code(s) will be grounds for removal from the house, pending a review with the Honors Council, Honors Director and individual(s) involved. The code of conduct is applicable to all students, whether enrolled for credit or non-credit.
Everyone in the House is expected to respect the property of all the other residents. Theft in any form, whether it be of a physical object or a service, will not be tolerated. Destruction of private property is considered theft. Theft is grounds for removal from the House and possibly from the Program, pending a decision by the University officials and Honors Council.
Disciplinary Procedures
Review: Upon a documented infraction of any of the above rules, the accused student(s) will be summoned for review. The student will appear before the elected student official of the Honors Program, who will summarily attempt to resolve the issue. If the Officers believe the offense merits further action, or deem the offense to be of a serious nature, the accused student will appear before the Honors Council to plead his/her case before the council determines penalties and/or appropriate course of action.
Decisions by the council cannot be appealed, as the Honors Council is the ultimate authority in issues involving the Honors Program. It is fully within the council’s rights to warn, sanction, remove and expel students from both the House and the Program.
In cases where the Adjudications Committee, Academic Standards Committee, Judiciary Board, or other ruling bodies are involved, the Honors Council will work with them to determine an appropriate course of action.