Human Subjects Institutional Review Board

The  Human Subjects Institutional Review Board or IRB is a compromised of campus faculty and community members.   It is a team that ensures that Administrative law and government regulations/policies are being followed during research and data collection.   It also ensures that research by students or faculty are conducted in an ethical and legal manner.  All research proposals are reviewed for compliance and offers suggestions on correct data collection.

This web page is a central location for:

  • IRB policies and procedures
  • the approved IRB proposal forms
  • to understand the policies the IRB has set in place
  • links to resources and tutorials on writing research and citing references

Current List of Members

IRB Chair 
School of Kinesiology and Psychology
IRB – Research Integrity Officer (RIO) for Research Misconduct

School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences

School of Biological Sciences

School of Nursing

School of Kinesiology and Psychology

School of Kinesiology and Psychology

School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences

School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences

School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services

Community Member

Deciding Official (DO) for Research Misconduct