Nov 22
COAST GUARD-FRIENDLY UNIVERSITY –Capt. Patrick Nelson, Sector Commander of U.S. Coast Guard Sector Sault Ste. Marie, and Lake Superior State University President Rodney Hanley renew an agreement on Aug. 8 that encourages active-duty personnel to pursue a degree at LSSU. Standing from left are Alternative Education Services Officer CWO4 Rachael Leask, Education Services Officer (ESO) Barbara Bardi and Deputy Sector Commander Carolyn Moberley. The compact sets the rate for LSSU tuition the same as the Coast Guard Tuition Assistance Program for Sector Sault Coast Guardsmen. More than 100 students have taken advantage of the program since its inception in 2009. Base officials credit the program as being a morale-booster as well. The partnership is also a natural fit for two organizations that have long had a cornerstone presence in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. “Lake Superior State University is committed to helping our men and women in uniform and their families,” said Hanley. “In my role as a university president and combat veteran, I am absolutely committed to this ideal.” About $200,000 in benefits have gone to Sector Sault students since the tuition-assistance program’s launch nine years ago. Coast Guardsmen, reservists, spouses, and dependents who are interested in taking advantage of the program should contact the nearest ESO. For more on educational opportunities at Lake State, e-mail the admissions office or call 906-635-2231. (LSSU/John Shibley)