If you qualify for financial aid, you may be able to utilize that aid for a study aboard program. Once you are accepted and enrolled in a study abroad program approved for credit by LSSU, you should meet with a financial aid advisor to determine which forms of aid you can use for your study abroad experience. Financial aid for study abroad includes the Federal Pell Grant, the Federal SEOG Grant, Federal Student and Parent Loans, the Michigan Competitive Scholarship, Michigan TIP, MET, MESP, and certain LSSU scholarships. For more information on federal aid, go to U.S.Department of Education Financial Aid Information.
Three Study Abroad Scholarship Opportunities for Students Studying Abroad.
The following scholarship is open for students participating in a sponsored LSSU Study Abroad experience. Sponsored trips include the faculty-led programs, the LSSU Scotland Experience, the MSU Japan Center program, ISA, Tean or WorldStrides programs.
To qualify, the student must be accepted into an LSSU sponsored program and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher from 26 or more LSSU credits. The student must agree to complete a video student profile describing their study abroad experience and sign a press release to allow the posting of the video on future publications for LSSU.
To apply, the student must write an essay describing what the study abroad experience means to their future career plans. The essays must be submitted to the Study Abroad Office& for consideration. Essays will be reviewed by a committee of at least two faculty or staff members.
Dr. Edeltraute “Terry” Vialpando came to Sault Ste. Marie in 1967, where she began a long career of teaching foreign languages, mostly French, for the Sault Branch of Michigan Tech, later LSSU. She received the LSSU Distinguished Teaching Award in 1981. This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in a LSSU study abroad program to travel to a country where English is not the 1st language. Successful candidates must have earned 56 LSSU credits with a minimum 3.0.
To apply for a Study Abroad Scholarship: Submit an essay to the Study Abroad Office at studyabroad@lssu.edu email. Describe the value that this study abroad opportunity will provide to you and your education.
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