Page Category: Accident and Injury Reporting
Accident and Injury Reporting
Accident and Injury Reporting
Public Safety is available 24 hours a day, they are able to assist with accident reporting.  These documents are available through links below or by contacting the department directly.
Student Responsibility
Student Responsibility
The coordination between students and the Public Safety Department is the link to the safest campus possible. Students must take the responsibility for their personal safety and protection of their personal belongings. Safety can be enhanced by using the 24-hour escort service when out around campus at night. Parking your vehicle in lighted areas and locking all doors will help protect your vehicle from theft and vandalism.
Students are urged to take the safety of their residence hall very seriously. We urge students to report any persons who they do not believe belong in their hall to Public Safety immediately. Also, any unusual incidents in and around their residence should be reported.
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol Policy
Lake Superior State University complies with all federal, state and local laws governing the consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages. Consumption and/or possession of alcohol by those under age 21 is not permitted on any University-owned property. Alcohol in an unsealed or broken container is prohibited in any area not designated by the University. The unlicensed sale of alcohol is prohibited by both the state of Michigan and the University. Full guidelines and statutes are listed in the University Alcohol Policy pamphlet.
The University Counseling Center, and the LSSU Health CARE Center provide assistance to students who are experiencing problems due to alcohol and controlled substances. Educational programs are sponsored throughout the year by the Student Life Office, Health CARE Center, Public Safety Department and other University organizations.
Weapons Policy
Weapons Policy
Weapons are permitted on campus but must be registered and stored in the Public Safety Department upon arrival on campus. This includes all firearms, ammunition, bows, arrows, knives and any other dangerous weapons.
These weapons are to be stored in an area designated by the Public Safety Department and may not be stored anywhere else on campus (including vehicles). Access to your weapon is available 24 hours a day and proper identification will be required to check it out.
Any student who keeps prohibited weapons in any place other than the designated area will face disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the University.
Access to Campus Facilities
Access to Campus Facilities
Lake Superior State University welcomes guests, visitors and members of the community into most buildings during normal business hours Monday through Friday. Visitors are asked to register their vehicles, free of charge, with the Public Safety Department upon arrival.
The Public Safety Department regularly patrols facilities and parking lots throughout the day to ensure the safety of its guests. The overall safety of the University is continually monitored through routine inspections and an enhanced fire and intruder alarm system.