Applications and Handbooks


To live on campus, fill out and sign an application for University housing and dining services. An assignment will be made after the first room and board payment is received. Meal plans are selected on the Residence Hall/Dining Services Contract. Signed contracts are required before moving into the unit. If you are under 18, a parent’s signature is required. Housing contracts are for a full academic year or the balance of the year if a student moves in at a time other than the start of school. The Director of Campus Life and Laker Success can make arrangements for a partial year contract.



An Emotional Support Animal is a pet that has been prescribed by a licensed therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist as part of a treatment program. Therapists prescribing an Emotional Assistance Animal must have extensive knowledge of research supporting the use of the Emotional Assistance Animal and utilize the Emotional Assistance Animal as a treatment modality. Before receiving documentation for the recommendation of an Emotional Assistance Animal, a student must be engaged in ongoing therapy with a mental health provider and the Emotional Assistance Animal must be identified as an essential treatment for the student’s diagnosed emotional or psychiatric disability. Most students will not meet all of these criteria.


If you are a full-time student within 27 calendar months of the date of your high school graduation, you are required to live on campus. For this purpose, “full-time” means enrolled for 12 or more credit hours, and all graduation dates will be assumed to be June 1 of any given year.  By completing a Housing Exception application a student can be considered for an exception to the policy based on certain set criteria.


All on-campus students are required to have a residential meal plan.  Exceptions are considered based on medical, financial, and/or religious documentation.  Any student applying for a meal plan exception must first meet with the General Manager and Head Chef of Dining Services.

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To request special accommodations, in addition to filling out the housing application, it is required that you register with the LSSU Office of Accessibility Services. The coordinator of the Accessibility Services will verify your disability and advise housing staff of appropriate accommodation. Housing staff will facilitate the housing accommodation based on application date and availability. Questions about accessible student housing may be directed to Sharmay Wood, Director of Campus Life and Laker Success.