International Student Employment

Finance – Banner Forms

Deposit Reconciliation Sheets

Business Operations Forms

Charter School Camps

Charter-Camp Flyer 2023-24


Student Tax Information 1042-S

IRS Form 1042-S

Non-Resident Aliens are subject to federal tax withholding in regards to scholarships and grants. The U.S. tax law divides scholarships or grants received into two parts. The part used for tuition and related fees is not taxable, but the part used for living expenses (room & board, travel, etc.) is taxable. Annually LSSU produces IRS 1042-S forms for the preceding calendar year for the IRS and applicable students. Enrolled degree seeking non-resident alien students have a 14% tax withholding in regards to the above, and may have additional exemptions based on current tax treaties (please see below).

The LSSU Business Office will work to email applicable students at the beginning of the semester to request the following:

Complete the W8-BEN form found on the IRS website,, and bring the form to the LSSU Business Office. A U.S. taxpayer identification number is required for this form. The W-8BEN is good for 3 years after date of signature.

If you do not already have a social security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), go to the application for ITIN on the IRS website for the W-7 form,

For more information on Part II of the W-8BEN form, please see the IRS site for Tax Treaty information, Some Tax Treaties offer a reduced rate or exemption in regards to U.S. income tax. . Please keep in mind that not all treaties are the same, and we suggest that you review your country’s treaty.

Please plan for the following:

  1. Have fund to pay your bill.
  2. File a U.S. tax return 1040 NR form found on the IRS website, The 2022 1040 NR will be due 15 Apr 2023. The 1042-S with the tax data needed will come out around 1 Feb 2023 for the 2022 tax year.

Campus Digital Signage Guidelines

LSSU Campus Digital Signage Guidelines

In 2021, Lake Superior State University was awarded a Title III Grant to support efforts to improve student success and retention.  With the goal of increasing student participation in campus events and clubs through greater awareness of those offerings, we have implemented a campus-wide digital signage system with 19 monitors in 9 buildings across campus.

Campus departments and organizations are invited to submit slides for display on the campus digital signage system, either to be displayed campus-wide or targeted to a single building, through our online submission form at  

Please adhere to the following content requirements to ensure that our digital signage best represents Lake Superior State University while ensuring readability and simplicity.

Content Requirements

  • Slides must be in landscape orientation with a 16:9 aspect ratio; a slide template PowerPoint file can be downloaded here: Digital Signage Slide Template.
  • Slides should have dimensions of 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels at 72 pixels per inch.
  • Slides should be either a JPG or PNG file; JPGs work better for slides with modulated color and photos, while PNG works best for flat color images.
  • All content should come from a department, program, or campus-sponsored organization.
  • Slides should follow good design principles: not too busy, sufficient contrast, easy to read.
  • When designing, keep in mind that each slide displays for only up to 15 seconds before the next slide loads so minimizing wordiness will help viewers to be able fully read your slide before the next appears.
  • Consider including a QR code viewers can scan that leads to a web page where people can find more information about your event or organization.
  • Slides can run for up to one month at a time; exceptions may be made upon request but are not necessarily granted.  Slides that include specific event dates will be removed after the last event has passed to avoid out-of-date signage.
  • If you need help with creating your slide, you can work with Library and Academic Services staff to create the slide with your information.
  • Title III staff reserve the right to reject or edit content based on these guidelines.

LSSU Course Offerings

LSSU Summer 2022 Course Offerings

TEAC 470 Summer 2022 Registration Form

TEAC 470 flyer Summer 22


Entry Form for LSSU’s Banished Words List

[av_one_fifth first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ row_boxshadow=” row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px’ highlight=” highlight_size=” border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ column_boxshadow=” column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-32w73ls’]

[av_three_fifth min_height=” vertical_alignment=’av-align-top’ space=” margin=’0px’ margin_sync=’true’ row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’60px,0,0,0′ highlight_size=’1.1′ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ radius_sync=’true’ column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-jbwov4′ custom_class=’entry-form’]

Entry Form for LSSU’s Banished Words List 2025

Lake Superior State University upholds, protects, and supports excellence in language by encouraging people to avoid words and terms that are overused, redundant, oxymoronic, clichéd, illogical, nonsensical—and otherwise ineffective, baffling, or irritating. We’ve compiled an annual tongue-in-cheek list based on misuse, overuse, and uselessness since 1976. What do you want our judges to consider for banishment for 2025? The deadline to turn in your entry is 8 AM Eastern Standard Time on Nov. 1, 2024. (One entry per online form, please. But submit as many entries as you want; there’s no limit!) We’ll announce the results on Dec. 31, 2024, so that you can start the New Year on the right foot, er, tongue.

[av_codeblock wrapper_element=” wrapper_element_attributes=” codeblock_type=” av_uid=’av-kxs3hkbw’ custom_class=”]

* Required
Your name
Your address

[av_one_fifth min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ row_boxshadow=” row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px’ highlight=” highlight_size=” border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ column_boxshadow=” column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-8lbxs0′]

[av_one_fifth first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ row_boxshadow=” row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px’ highlight=” highlight_size=” border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ column_boxshadow=” column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-2a4s5gg’]

[av_three_fifth min_height=” vertical_alignment=’av-align-top’ space=” margin=’0px’ margin_sync=’true’ row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px,40px,10px,40px’ highlight_size=’1.1′ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ radius_sync=’true’ column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-kxs4815z’ custom_class=’entry-form-txt-wrap’]

[av_one_fifth min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ row_boxshadow=” row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px’ highlight=” highlight_size=” border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ column_boxshadow=” column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-1nl86rk’]

[av_one_fifth first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ row_boxshadow=” row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px’ highlight=” highlight_size=” border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ column_boxshadow=” column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-14bfrj4′]

[av_three_fifth min_height=” vertical_alignment=’av-align-top’ space=” margin=’0px’ margin_sync=’true’ row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px,40px,60px,40px’ highlight_size=’1.1′ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ radius_sync=’true’ column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-kxs48m4j’ custom_class=’entry-form-wrap’]

[av_one_fifth min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ row_boxshadow=” row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” padding=’0px’ highlight=” highlight_size=” border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ column_boxshadow=” column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-29f7eo’]

CSO Strategic Plan and CIP

CSO Strategic Action Plan SY 2023-2028

Combined Continuous Improvement Plan