Lake Superior State University is committed to ensuring equal access to its programs and activities for qualified individuals, including individuals with disabilities. Disabilities may include physical or mental impairments which substantially limit one or more of a person’s major life activities, and which necessitate modifications to Lake Superior State University’s facilities, programs, or services. Lake Superior State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for qualifying students, faculty, and employees with disabilities as required by applicable laws. Lake Superior State University cannot make accommodations that are unreasonable, unduly burdensome or that fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services.
While most building are accessible to persons with disabilities, there are a few buildings which are not. Below is a listing of inaccessible campus buildings. If you need to meet with someone whose office is in an inaccessible building, just give them a call and they will be happy to arrange to meet with you in an accessible location.
All programming and activities scheduled in building on the inaccessible list will be moved to an accessible space with any request from Students, Staff, Faculty, and/or Campus Guest. Requests for relocation shall be made to the Human Resources office at 906-635-2213. Requests for relocation of programming and activities, if possible, should be made 48 hrs prior to event.
Administrative/Academic Buildings
Administration Building
Brown Hall
Counseling Services
Native American Center-Eskoonwid Endaad
Housing Units
Erie Hall
Huron Hall
Laker Hall
Ontario Hall
Neveu Hall
Ask a Librarian
[av_contact email=’’ title=’Ask a Librarian’ button=’Submit’ on_send=” sent=’Thank you! We will respond shortly!’ link=’manually,http://’ subject=’Inquiry from Library website contact form’ autoresponder_email=’’ autorespond=” captcha=” form_align=” color=” av_uid=’av-kk8o8fb0′ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]
[av_contact_field label=” type=’html’ options=” check=” width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
Have a question? Need some help? Send us an email and we’ll be happy to help you!
Information Literacy Skills are Twenty-first Century Skills
In our information-rich world, it’s essential that our students learn to be adept in their collecting, analyzing and communication of information, as well as ethical in their use of it. Â Our librarians are available to work with faculty on providing instruction on these important information literacy concepts to their classes. From library tours to database searching to citations, we can develop an instruction session that suits your students’ needs.
If you’d like to schedule one of our librarians with your class(es), please fill out this form to let us know your needs and we’ll be in touch shortly.
[av_contact email=’’ title=’Schedule Library Instruction’ button=’Submit’ on_send=” sent=’Thank you! We’ve received your request, and will be in touch shortly!’ link=’manually,http://’ subject=’New Library Instruction Request’ autoresponder_email=’’ autorespond=” captcha=” form_align=” color=” av_uid=’av-lnknr7td’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Faculty Member’s Name:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Department:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Email:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_email’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Campus phone #:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_phone’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Other phone:’ type=’text’ options=” check=” width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Preferred contact method:’ type=’select’ options=’Select one,Email, Campus phone, Other phone’ check=” width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Course Name and Number:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Number of students:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_number’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’First choice for date of instruction session:’ type=’datepicker’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’First choice for time of instruction session:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Second choice for date of instruction session:’ type=’datepicker’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Second choice for time of instruction session:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Where would you prefer the instruction session to occur?’ type=’select’ options=’Select one:Library Lab 211 (seats 30),Library Lab 333 (seats 28),Your classroom (state below),Librarian’s preference’ check=” width=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Classroom # if applicable:’ type=’text’ options=” multi_select=’aviaTBaviaTBmulti_select’ check=” width=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’What topics would you like the librarian to cover? (Use Opt/CTRL to select multiple)’ type=’select’ options=’Finding books in the catalog,Selecting and Using Databases,Library Tour,Subject Orientation (focus on sources for a particular subject area),Formatting Citations,Academic Integrity,Copyright,Other (describe below)’ multi_select=’aviaTBaviaTBmulti_select’ check=” width=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Please given any necessary details (subject to cover, other concepts requested)’ type=’text’ options=” check=” width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’If there is a particular assignment your students will be working on, please describe it:’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=” width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Please tell us your goals for the session:’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=” width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Anything else we need to know?’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=” width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
Research Help
Research Help
Need some help with your research?  Why not schedule an appointment with one of our librarians for some one-on-one assistance and we’ll be happy to help you find what you need.  Whether you need help with finding sources for a research paper or understanding how to format your citations, we can help!
[av_contact email=’’ title=’Book an Appointment with a Librarian’ button=’Submit’ on_send=” sent=’Thank you! A librarian will be in touch with you shortly to confirm your appointment.’ link=’manually,http://’ subject=” autorespond=” captcha=” form_align=” color=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Name’ type=’text’ check=’is_empty’ options=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” width=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Email’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_email’ width=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Phone:’ type=’text’ options=” check=” width=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Please give 1-2 dates and times that you are available to meet:’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Please give a brief description of your needs:’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=” width=”]
Electronic Devices
Electronic Devices
The LSSU Library has a variety of electronic devices available for checkout by students and faculty:
Digital still and video cameras
Digital audio recorders
Swivl robot & iPad kits
Remote PowerPoint clickers
To check out one of our electronic devices, stop by the Circulation Desk on the library’s main floor.  Some items require a borrower to fill out an equipment loan form.
The Kenneth J. Shouldice Library welcomes gifts that fall within the scope of its collection development policy. The same criteria used for the purchase of new material is applied when gifts are reviewed. In both cases the decision is based upon the demands, present and anticipated, of the University teaching and research programs.
Gifts are accepted with the understanding that once received they are owned by the library which reserves the right to determine their retention, location, cataloging treatment, etc. Placing restrictions on the use or disposition of gifts is contrary to the library mission of maximum accessibility of library resources, and gifts will not be accepted under those conditions. If it is necessary to decline a gift, alternative recipients are suggested whenever possible.
Types of Gifts Welcomed
Gifts which enhance the collection and are therefore likely to be added to the library collection include the following:
Material which supports the University curriculum.
Local or state historical material.
Material which may be used for research.
Duplicates of highly used items.
Special Collection material.
Gifts which receive low priority for inclusion into the library collection are:
Foreign language material which does not support the foreign language curriculum.
Religious or spiritual literature with limited curricular or research potential.
Older editions of monographs already in the collection.
Duplicate copies of rarely used items.
Mass market paperbacks.
Incomplete series or collections of a set, especially when there is little likelihood of receiving or purchasing the remainder of the series or set.
Outdated textbooks.
Serials or periodicals to which the library does not subscribe.
Appraisals of gifts for income tax purposes are the responsibility of the donor. Although library staff may not appraise gifts, they can direct donors to information on appraising and suggest professional appraisers. Donors may wish to discuss prospective donations and appraisals with their attorneys.
How To Make A Donation
Potential donors should contact Mary M. June at 906-635-2862 to discuss the gift and to determine whether or not it is appropriate for the library. A list of titles being donated should be submitted to assist with the decision-making process and at times it may be necessary to examine the gift before acceptance. Gifts that have been reviewed and accepted can be delivered to the library accompanied by a completed “Gift Form.” Contact Mary M. June to obtain the gift form.
Acknowledgment of gifts is made by the LSSU Foundation upon receipt of the donor gift form. Gift plates acknowledging donors are placed in each donated item. Designated memorials are included on gift plates.
Monetary Gifts
Monetary donations to the library general acquisitions account or for the purchase of materials on a particular subject are welcomed. For information on making contributions to the unrestricted book endowment account or on establishing a restricted endowment account, contact the LSSU Foundation at 906-635-2665.
A research consultation: Need some help with your research? Â Book an appointment with one of our librarians.
A library instruction session for your class: Our librarians are happy to provide instruction on using library databases, research strategies, resource evaluation, citing, and other important information literacy skills students need to be successful in their academic and professional careers. Â Use our Instruction Request form to get started.
A library purchase: Is there something we don’t have in our collection that you think we should buy? Please use our Purchase Suggestion form to let us know about it.
LSSU Library’s ebook collections are fully discoverable through our search platform, Primo. When you conduct a search in Primo, included in the results will be the ebooks we have through CREDO reference, ProQuest’s Ebook Central, EBSCO’s eBook Collection and the Gale Virtual Reference Library. If you prefer to search those resources individually, you can use the links below.
CREDO Referenceoffers full-text material from selected reference books.
Ebook Central from ProQuest contains over 180,000 recent academic electronic books; read online through a web browser or download to read offline on your iOS or Android device (view instructions).
eBook Collection from EBSCO contains over 230,000 e-books; use this link to search the Academic, Business, High School, K-8, and Public Library collections all at once. E-books may be read online through a web browser or downloaded and read offline on your iOS or Android device (view instructions).
Lake Superior State University Charter Schools Office is not accepting applications at this time.
For more information please call or email Chris Oshelski at 906-635-2121 or
What is a Charter School?
Charter schools are public schools. They operate in much the same way as traditional public schools. They are free, open to all, and operate under the direction of a publicly-appointed board of directors. Charter schools are constituent districts of Michigan’s intermediate school districts (ISDs) and operate under the leadership of the State Board of Education. They must comply with essentially the same statutory and regulatory requirements as other k-12 public schools, including No Child Left Behind and Education Yes! accountability programs and special education laws. While each charter school is unique based on location, teaching staff, student population, educational program and curricula, each is legally organized as a Michigan, not-for-profit, public school academy corporation, governed by a board of directors.
Michigan’s charter school law was passed in 1993. It introduced choice and competition into the system of public education. Guiding principles of the statute are (1) all students and parents, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location, should have the ability to choose the school that best meets their needs; (2) charter public schools support education reform by infusing the system with competition and market forces; and (3) charter public schools can test new approaches to academics, instruction, governance, finance, and management leading to new learning and leadership models. The state’s charter school law is consistently recognized as one of the nation’s strongest.
The system of oversight established by the legislation is both distinct from and complementary to conventional education structures. The charter school must have a valid legal contract, or charter, from its authorizer, which provides an additional level of accountability. A series of academic and operational performance measures must be met to continue the contract.
Balanced Leadership for Lasting Change. (2006). Michigan Council of Charter School Authorizers & Dykema Gossett PLLC.