Testing Policies

Testing Center – Policy and Procedures 

The following is a list of policies and procedures set in place for all Lake Superior State University students to adhere to. These policies and procedures help ensure that the Testing Center Staff maintains a fair and consistent testing environment while accommodating the needs of all students, as well as the academic integrity of the exam. Failure to comply with Testing Center Policy and Procedures may result in academic disciplinary action being taken against you.

Any and all breaches of these policies will be formally reported to your instructor by Testing Services staff


  1. Professor Approval for Test Appointment:
    • Before requesting a test appointment, students will be required to obtain approval from their professors. This ensures that both the student and the professor are aware of the test schedule and any accommodations needed.
  2. Registration with Accessibility Services:
    • Only students registered with Accessibility Services receive the specific accommodations they are granted. Such as extra time, a separate testing room, or assistive technology.
  3. Scheduling Tests:
    • Students will be required to schedule their tests 48 hours in advance.
    • Students will take the exam at the same time as the rest of the class. If this is not possible, the student must seek approval from the professor to test outside of class hours.
  4. Time Allotment:
    • Students without accommodations will be given the regular class time to complete the exam.
  5. Arriving on Time:
    • Students must arrive at the testing center on time to start the test. Late arrivals may result in reduced testing time.
  6. Identification:
    • Students will be required to present a valid photo ID to verify their identity before taking the test


  1. Prohibited Items:
    • Personal items such as cell phones, smartwatches, any electronic devices with internet access, notes, or unauthorized study materials are strictly prohibited in the testing area.
    • ONLY the exam, pen/pencil and materials approved by the professor are allowed to be brought in.
  2. Test Regulations:
    • Students will not be allowed to take breaks during test time. This does include using the restroom or taking personal phone calls.
    • Students will not have access to any personal belongings until after they have turned in their exam to the testing center staff.
    • Students will be expected to not disturb others during test taking and to maintain the confidentiality of test materials
  3. Security Measures:
    • Security cameras, as well as sporadic walk throughs, are used to prevent cheating or dishonest behavior during the test.
  4. Rescheduling and Cancellation Policies:
    • To cancel your exam please email ‘CC’ your professor and Testing Center on the same email.
    • It is the professors’ discretion whether or not to accept the reason to reschedule or cancel a testing appointment.
  5. Inclement Weather or Emergencies:
    • If campus is closed due to inclement weather, the student is responsible to reach out to the professor and testing center to reschedule an appropriate date.
    • If the student has a personal emergency, they will be responsible to reach out to the professor to reschedule an appropriate date.
  6. Communication and Documentation:
    • All communication will be done through email to be fully documented.
    • Any student that call or drops in to request an appointment will be directed to email their professor and ‘CC’ testing center on the email.