Electronic Device Circulation Policy
The information listed below reflects policies for Lake Superior State University, Kenneth J. Shouldice Library electronic device borrowing and use. Please read the contents of this document carefully prior to signing the Library Electronic Device Circulation Contract. These documents are legal and binding verifying and holding liable the signee responsible for any costs incurred while in possession of Library equipment.
- Loan of electronic devices is limited to current LSSU students, faculty and staff only.
- Signee is responsible for knowing and following the University Information Technology Usage Policy which can be found at https://dev-lssu.gotchahosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/1.11.pdf.
- The electronic device and accessories are limited to no more than a two week check out period. One two-week renewal is allowed with permission of a librarian.
- The electronic device and accessories will be released to the signee following an inspection by authorized Library personnel and the individual requesting equipment (the signee).
- All equipment must be checked out and returned in person. The return must be made to a librarian or other full time staff person at the Library Circulation desk between the hours of 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon.- Fri.
DO NOT PUT THE ELECTRONIC DEVICE IN THE DROP BOX - Signee will be released from liability of signed contract upon successful inspection by authorized Library personnel using university standards within five (5) normal working days. Notification of liability for damages, if any, will be made via LSSU email account.
- Overdue charges are $2.00 per day, not to exceed the cost of the equipment as indicated on the Library Electronic Device Circulation Contract. Fines will not be assessed while equipment inspection is in progress.
- Equipment checked out must be returned immediately upon withdrawal or prior to graduation or in the case of an employee prior to the last day of work at LSSU.
- The Library does not assume any responsibility for damage or loss of the electronic device and accessories. Signee is responsible for any and all costs incurred. Type of damage may include but is not limited to:
- Damage to electronic device and/or screen.
- Cracked, scratched or broken parts.
- Damage caused by foreign materials.
- Damage caused by excessive force.
- Lake Superior State University does not assume responsibility for the presence of malicious software, viruses, etc. The electronic device is “cleaned” prior to each usage according to LSSU standards. It is recommended that no personal or confidential information is input or stored on an electronic device.
- Unpaid repair costs and fines will result in restriction of services, including:
- Usage of Library resources.
- Holds on Student Account.
- Signee assumes all responsibility for replacement costs and legal costs to defend the University if the electronic device is confiscated by any law enforcement agency as a result of the signee’s usage of the electronic device.
- Signee shall pay all costs and expenses, including collection and legal fees, incurred by the Library (or LSSU) in exercising any of its rights to enforce the terms, conditions, or provisions of this agreement.
- The Library reserves the right to restrict or deny circulation privileges for electronic devices.
- If the signee downloads any content that has a cost (whether intentionally or unintentionally) he/she is responsible for that charge. The Library is not responsible for unauthorized purchases. If an inadvertent purchase is made, the signee is encouraged to contact reference@lssu.edu, for possible assistance in cancelling the purchase.
Broken or missing computer equipment should be reported immediately to LSSU Public Safety at x2100. As soon as the incident report is available, you must provide a copy to the Library Circulation Desk. You are responsible for reimbursing the Library for the entire cost of the electronic device and accessories if it is lost, stolen or not returned.