Electronic Device Circulation Policy

Electronic Device Circulation Policy

The information listed below reflects policies for Lake Superior State University, Kenneth J. Shouldice Library electronic device borrowing and use. Please read the contents of this document carefully prior to signing the Library Electronic Device Circulation Contract. These documents are legal and binding verifying and holding liable the signee responsible for any costs incurred while in possession of Library equipment.

  • Loan of electronic devices is limited to current LSSU students, faculty and staff only.
  • Signee is responsible for knowing and following the University Information Technology Usage Policy which can be found at https://dev-lssu.gotchahosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/1.11.pdf.
  • The electronic device and accessories are limited to no more than a two week check out period. One two-week renewal is allowed with permission of a librarian.
  • The electronic device and accessories will be released to the signee following an inspection by authorized Library personnel and the individual requesting equipment (the signee).
  • All equipment must be checked out and returned in person. The return must be made to a librarian or other full time staff person at the Library Circulation desk between the hours of 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon.- Fri.
  • Signee will be released from liability of signed contract upon successful inspection by authorized Library personnel using  university standards within five (5) normal working days. Notification of liability for damages, if any, will be made via LSSU email account.
  • Overdue charges are $2.00 per day, not to exceed the cost of the equipment as indicated on the Library Electronic Device Circulation Contract. Fines will not be assessed while equipment inspection is in progress.
  • Equipment checked out must be returned immediately upon withdrawal or prior to graduation or in the case of an employee prior to the last day of work at LSSU.
  • The Library does not assume any responsibility for damage or loss of the electronic device and accessories. Signee is responsible for any and all costs incurred. Type of damage may include but is not limited to:
    • Damage to electronic device and/or screen.
    • Cracked, scratched or broken parts.
    • Damage caused by foreign materials.
    • Damage caused by excessive force.
  • Lake Superior State University does not assume responsibility for the presence of malicious software, viruses, etc. The electronic device is “cleaned” prior to each usage according to LSSU standards. It is recommended that no personal or confidential information is input or stored on an electronic device.
  • Unpaid repair costs and fines will result in restriction of services, including:
    • Usage of Library resources.
    • Holds on Student Account.
  • Signee assumes all responsibility for replacement costs and legal costs to defend the University if the electronic device is confiscated by any law enforcement agency as a result of the signee’s usage of the electronic device.
  • Signee shall pay all costs and expenses, including collection and legal fees, incurred by the Library (or LSSU) in exercising any of its rights to enforce the terms, conditions, or provisions of this agreement.
  • The Library reserves the right to restrict or deny circulation privileges for electronic devices.
  • If the signee downloads any content that has a cost (whether intentionally or unintentionally) he/she is responsible for that charge. The Library is not responsible for unauthorized purchases. If an inadvertent purchase is made, the signee is encouraged to contact reference@lssu.edu, for possible assistance in cancelling the purchase.


Broken or missing computer equipment should be reported immediately to LSSU Public Safety at x2100. As soon as the incident report is available, you must provide a copy to the Library Circulation Desk. You are responsible for reimbursing the Library for the entire cost of the electronic device and accessories if it is lost, stolen or not returned.

Services for Faculty




  • LIBRARYINSTRUCTION:Ourlibrarians,AliandMarc,areavailabletoprovideinstructiontoyourstudentson informationliteracyandresearchskills thatwillservethemhereoncampusandintotheirlivesbeyond;we’rehappytohostyourclassinoneofthelabswehavehereinthelibrary,orwecancometoyourclassroomtoworkwithyourstudents. Wewelcometheopportunitytocollaboratewithyouinplanninganyresearchprojectsyourstudentswillbeembarkingonthiscomingschoolyearsothatyourstudentswillhaveapositiveandproductiveexperienceintheirresearch. We’vecreatedanonlineformtomakeiteasytorequestinstructionforyourclass,butfeelfreetostopbythelibraryandchatwithanyofourlibrariansifyouprefer!
  • LIBRARYCOLLECTIONS:Ourlibrarycollectionsincludeover130,000printvolumes,over500,000ebooks,over100researchdatabases,amapcollection,andanextensivecollectionofhistoricalmaterialsrelatedtoLSSUandtheregion,butifthere’sanitemyouneedthatwedon’thave,wecanrequestitfromanotherlibraryforyou,ortakeitunderconsiderationforpurchase forourlibrary.
  • STUDY/MEETINGROOMS:LSSULibraryoffers bothreservableandfirst-come-first-served studyandmeetingrooms,three computer/instructionlabs,andwealsowelcomefacultytomeetwiththeirstudentsinourLearningCommonsonthemainfloorofthelibrary.
  • ACADEMICPODCASTING:Ifyouareinterestedinparticipatinginouracademicpodcastingprogram,letusknow! YoucanrecordyourclassesorotherinstructionalcontenteitherinaudioorvideoformatandmakethemavailablethroughLakerCast forstudents,etc.,toaccess.
  • COURSERESERVES: Facultymemberscanplacematerialsonreserveforstudentsbehindthelibrary’scirculationdesk.Ifyouhavesomethingyouwouldliketoplaceonreserve,useouronlinerequestform,orstopbythelibrarytochatwithus! WealsoofferourE-reserveservicewherestudentscanaccessarticlesthatyouwanttoplaceonreserveelectronically;materialsonE-reservecaneitherbeaccesseddirectlythroughthelibrarycatalog,oryoucancopytheurlintoyourMoodlecourseforstudentstoaccessfromthereaswell.Contactusifyou’dlikemoreinformation!





Vehicle Request Form

Vehicle Requests

[av_contact email=’araffaele1@lssu.edu,kblalock@lssu.edu, scharles1@lssu.edu’ title=” button=’Submit’ on_send=” sent=’Your request has been sent!’ link=’manually,http://’ subject=’WWW Motor Vehicle Request’ autoresponder_email=’marketing@lssu.edu’ autorespond=” captcha=” form_align=” color=” av_uid=’av-11rnbxd’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Name’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-zblypd’]
[av_contact_field label=’Phone Number’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-xp7c9d’]
[av_contact_field label=’e-mail’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_email’ width=” av_uid=’av-wnnj4x’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Department’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-uxi3ap’]
[av_contact_field label=’Account Number’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-t84q9d’]
[av_contact_field label=’Authorization’ type=’select’ options=’Option 1: My supervisor has approved this vehicle request and this travel,Option 2: I do not need approval from a supervisor for this vehicle request’ check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-rrsxwh’]
[av_contact_field label=’Supervisor’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-ppuh4x’]
[av_contact_field label=’Supervisor e-mail’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_email’ width=” av_uid=’av-nstoz5′ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”]
[av_contact_field label=’Vehicle’ type=’select’ options=’Car,Mini Van,15 Passenger Bus,25 Passenger Bus,Truck’ check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-m1qlpt’]
[av_contact_field label=’Destination’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-l92snl’]
[av_contact_field label=’Departure Date:’ type=’datepicker’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-j1hs81′]
[av_contact_field label=’Departure Time’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-1qwl81′]
[av_contact_field label=’Return Date:’ type=’datepicker’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-1mhjwx’]
[av_contact_field label=’Return Time:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-drgncx’]
[av_contact_field label=’Estimated Milage:’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-d3qyc1′]
[av_contact_field label=’Trip Classification:’ type=’select’ options=’Administrative, Faculty-Student, Personal , Faculty’ check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-a41upt’]
[av_contact_field label=’Number of Passengers include driver: ‘ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-9no7v5′]
[av_contact_field label=’List Any other drivers besides you, zero if no other driveres. ‘ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-7sgt3l’]
[av_contact_field label=’Other Information’ type=’text’ options=” check=” width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=” av_uid=’av-6dglpd’]

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[av_table purpose=’pricing’ pricing_table_design=’avia_pricing_default’ pricing_hidden_cells=” caption=” responsive_styling=’avia_responsive_table’ av_uid=’av-2k8m75′]

Forms and Documents

Downloadable Forms, Templates and Policies

LSSU Master Calendar 23-24

Michigan Educators Evaluations

Budget and Salary Compensation Transparency Reporting Guidance

Open Meetings Act Guidance

Board Meeting Agenda Template

Board Meeting notice

Board Meeting Minutes Template

LSSU Drills ReportingForm

LSSU CHRI Criminal History Registration Form

Michigan Safety and Drill Planning MDE

Playground Safety Checklist

Designated Signatory Authority

Student Directory Information Policy

LSSU Facility Acquisition Due Diligence

LSSU Lease Policy

LSSU Educational Service Provider Policies – Revised April 2020

Application to Amend Charter Contract (1)

Sample Articles of Incorporation

Sample Bylaws

Air Travel

Airline Travel

Booking Policies

Airfare is required to be booked (recommended 14-120 days prior to departure) at the lowest economy or coach class available at the time of booking. Time en route may be used as a factor in determining the lowest fare available. The passenger’s ticket receipt or e-ticket itinerary must be submitted when requesting reimbursement. Airfare will not be reimbursed until after the trip has been completed.

Travelers may purchase refundable tickets when necessary in the best interests of the University. Any tickets refunded must be submitted to Accounts Payable no later than 30 days after cancellation.

The University will permit the benefits of airline frequent flyer programs accrued from travel paid for by the University to accrue to the traveler. Travelers are encouraged to apply these benefits toward future University travel.

Allowable Expenses

  • The University will not reimburse for air travel insurance or other personal trip insurance.
  • One piece of checked baggage at standard weight or below will be reimbursed for all airline travel. In the event that charges are incurred for overweight baggage or more than one piece of baggage is needed, the traveler will be responsible for any additional fees above the cost of one standard weight piece of baggage.
  • The reimbursement of in-flight charges for access to the Internet, phone, or other similar charges are not allowed unless travelers can show that incurring these additional expenses provide a greater benefit to the University than accessing these services pre- or post-flight at no charge.

Fly America Act/Open Skies Agreement

Use of foreign-based carriers is restricted on sponsored programs and travel paid for using federal funds. The Federal Fly America Act mandates that travel sponsored by the Federal government must be on U.S. airlines or a foreign air carrier that code shares with a U.S. Flag carrier on the flight taken. This includes flights within the U.S. If there is no U.S. carrier to your destination, you must travel on a U.S. carrier as far as possible. By law, additional cost for U.S. carrier flights is not sufficient justification to fly on foreign carriers. Please note that the same rules apply to a foreign visitor’s flights.

Exceptions to Fly America Act:

  • When there is no nonstop or direct service offered by a U.S. carrier
  • When travel solely outside the U.S. increases the number of aircraft changes en route to more than two
  • When the passenger’s travel time is extended by at least 6 hours
  • When the connecting time is 4 hours or more at an overseas interchange point

Receipt Requirements

Receipts are required for all airfare purchases, including airline penalties for changes and cancellations. Airfare receipts must contain the following information:

  • Traveler name
  • Dates and times of flight
  • Flight itinerary
  • Class of travel (must be coach/economy)
  • Total cost, including any additional service or related fees, federal excise tax
  • Confirmation of payment



The University will reimburse lodging expenses for:

  1. Trips of 250 miles or more (round trip).
  2. Overnight stays required as part of an approved University business-related event.
  3. As permitted for faculty teaching at Regional Centers.


All University employees traveling on University business must request the “government” rate when making hotel reservations and confirm the “government” rate upon check-in. If the “government” rate is not available, travelers should select the least expensive option available, taking into consideration proximity to the business destination and safety. Travelers must also present a Michigan Sales & Use Tax exemption certificate upon check-in to the lodging establishment.

The maximum single room rate will be reimbursed when a University traveler shares lodging with a non-University person.

Receipts Required

Actual lodging expenses, as evidenced by an original itemized receipt, are reimbursable. A credit card receipt showing only the total amount charged at the hotel is not sufficient. Every effort should be made to ensure that lodging costs are reasonable and appropriate.

The receipt must show:

  • The name and address of the place of lodging and dates of occupancy.
  • Daily room rate and taxes.
  • Details of other charges such as meals, telephone calls, etc.

Room service expenses are reimbursable in accordance with the per diem allowance. In-room internet expenses are allowable when deemed necessary for conducting University business.


Workshops & Speakers

Beyond the traditional library services, LSSU Library is a hub of learning and exploration on the LSSU campus.  Throughout the year, you’ll find various workshops and speakers scheduled within the library.  We record many of our campus speakers for our podcast, LakerCast so if you’re unable to make the live event, you can check our LakerCast page; recordings are generally posted to the podcast site within 10 business days.

Here’s what’s coming up at the library:

[av_upcoming_events categories=’507,509′ items=’10’ paginate=’no’ av_uid=’av-lkz1cd’]

What is a Charter School?

What is a Charter School?

Michigan’s charter school law was passed in 1993. It introduced choice and competition into the system of public education. Guiding principles of the statute are (1) all students and parents, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location, should have the ability to choose the school that best meets their needs; (2) charter public schools support education reform by infusing the system with competition and market forces; and (3) charter public schools can test new approaches to academics, instruction, governance, finance, and management leading to new learning and leadership models. The state’s charter school law is consistently recognized as one of the nation’s strongest.

The system of oversight established by the legislation is both distinct from and complementary to conventional education structures. The charter school must have a valid legal contract, or charter, from its authorizer, which provides an additional level of accountability. A series of academic and operational performance measures must be met to continue the contract.

Balanced Leadership for Lasting Change. (2006). Michigan Council of Charter School Authorizers & Dykema Gossett PLLC.

MCCSA Results that matter


Charter Schools Quarterly Newsletter

[av_hr class=’default’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ av_uid=’av-j3ffbc’]

Our Vision

Our Philosophy

We believe in authorizing through the lens of an educator, realizing students are more than academic performance or financial incentives. True authorizing takes into account the whole child, whole academy, and whole community while recognizing the importance of increased performance and sustainability.

Our Vision

We envision an educational system in Michigan that provides families with diverse educational opportunities that allow for each child to flourish and find his/her place in the global community.

Our Mission

To ensure quality oversight and support to our authorized charter academies resulting in students who are prepared for the next phase of life whether it be attending college, the military, or entering the workforce.


We Value

Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Our first priority is high-quality instruction and positive educational outcomes.  We focus on building relationships that promote academic excellence.


The students and staff that are affiliated with LSSU CSO authorized academies have access to a wide range of opportunities to grow academically, professionally, culturally, and socially.

Accountability and Autonomy

We believe in holding our stakeholders and ourselves accountable for the results of decisions and actions that influence performance.


We recognize the uniqueness of individuals, academies, and communities.  Their diverse perspectives and experiences enrich the educational experience for all stakeholders.

Ethics and Principles

We promote an environment of transparency, honesty, respectful and courteous behavior where everyone is appreciated and empowered.


We intentionally operate in a sustainable way in order to leave our academies sound for future generations of charter students, alumni, and friends